
April 12th, 2018

Started allready before last update reworking this website. As you can see it is finally live. If there are any bugs or recommendations for improvement, please contact me.
 I'm still working at "Mapegy" and because they don't work in the games  industry, I decided to take a look at "Fluffy Dice" again. This time we'll do the programming in C++ and we intend to first fix the known bugs and then expand the game with more player interaction.

April 4th, 2018

Again has it been quite some time since I found time to write an update.
After finishing up the ai project, I started working on a student project. The special part was not just being a vr game, but having a real wheelchair as the controller. Because we were working with Unity, I was planned to assist the more experienced developer in Unity. But one of them rarely appeared and so did I start working on the ai for this game. In the end were they able to populate the trainstation and change the tracks. When leaving the track, the ai is also able to determine if the take the electric stairs, the elevator or the stairs. It is also possible for them to stay in a queue and proceed there. They are also able to board and leave trains, which are arriving and leaving the trainstation.
After finishing the project, I started my internship at "Mapegy".

January 31st, 2018

The ai project was finished, but instead of adding some crowd behaviour I focused on polishing the existing functionality. Also did I add some more visual effects to assist the understanding of what's happening without reading the code.
I also did finally some research on how to use vr in Unity, so I could start working on the next study project. It's going to be a vr game with a wheelchair as controller, with the goal to create inclination.

January 22nd, 2018

My ai is now able to fight others and restock on ammo, if they think they need it. To have bystanders realise what's happening, I added some particle effects and animations for walking, aiming etc.
The next goal would be now to add some crowd behaviour and maybe going into cover instead to just idle, attack or flee.

January 14th, 2018

Finally I found the time to write a new entry.
Most of the time, I was working on creating the character selection for my multiplayer game with an interruption of the work progress because of holidays.
After them I had it solved and I found allready new errors, which I didn't see before. Because I've got the project far enough to fit the requirements of my professor, I could pause it.
The new project I started working on is about AI. We learned about fuzzylogic and neuronal networks, obviously only the basics because we don't have the in depth knowledge of math for it
Nevertheless with this newly aquired knowledge, I started working on a fuzzy AI. So far I could implement it in basics and work now on improving the performance and its visual output.

December 1st, 2017

As I stated in my last update, I was doing some testing. Mostly with success or at least after some fixes.
The HUD and online networking has been pushed back, because I updated the weapons and implemented a force shield. Also did I realise, I have to think about how the players get to select their characters.
The progress with the Unity projects is worse. Truth to be told, I just looked it up once and did no programming on it so far.

November 22nd, 2017

Well now an update what was up so far. First I had for about a week no internet and then I forgot to write an update in my blog.
As far as my projects are concerned, I progressed with the multiplayer game to the point of being able to setup a local network and having a player running around with an animated character. It is also possible to pick up things and they are equiped.
If they can be carried around has yet to be tested. Same goes for the shooting and weapon dropping again. Next things I want to implement would include a first HUD and maybe an online multiplayer network.
Beside this project, I started as well working on the current student project. For that I had to get more into Unity again and I'm preparing for setting up a vr control and some player actions.

November 7th, 2017

Finally I've completed a major part of my website and now I can work more on my own projects. My last project "Clinch" has been put on pause, because I have no idea what to do next. Because of that I start now working on a setup for a multiplayer game and maybe I can use it for "Clinch" as well.
All my project are now available with a download.